Saturday, May 9, 2015

Company Letterhead

Your Ref (number):
Our Ref:
Order no:
5 May 2015

[Name of Receiver]
[The Receiver’s address]
#44, St. 155
Kipton L.
Koh Kong

Dear Sir,
I like to bring yo
ur attention to our order no. 112 dated 28th April 2013 for several items. Your van delivered the above item late yesterday evening for which our storekeeper received as ‘Received – contents unchecked’.

By early this morning when the boxes were opened, we found that many cans were dented and we cannot accept them. We enclose a detailed list of the damaged items.
Could you send someone over to check our complaint or should we return the damaged items to you in exchange for undamaged one? We would appreciate prompt action on your part. Thank you.

Yours faithfully,

[Your name]
[your position]


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